The Best Gold Spray Paint – and How To Use It

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Want to know what the BEST gold spray paint ever is? Well, I’ve got you covered! After using it on quite a few different projects, I’ve got the answer, along with how to use it on metal.

So, like I’ve mentioned a time or two before, I am kind of really, really, really into gold right now.  I’m constantly looking for (classy) ways to add gold into my life–and more often than not it happens in the form of gold spray paint.  

Sometimes I’ll be out shopping and see something I like, but hate the color. So, if it’s a good deal, why not spray paint it? I’ve followed this philosophy pretty closely and have gone through four cans of my favorite gold spray paint just in the last month. #nojudgmentplease. I want to share my favorites with you all, but first, please meet the best gold spray paint ever.

Rust Oleum Metallic gold spray paint

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Best Gold Spray Paint & How To Use It

The best gold spray paint of all is Rust-Oleum metallic spray paint.

Yup, the basic, inexpensive one you can get at Home Depot or Lowes.

I love this gold spray paint because it’s brassy enough to be a vintage-y gold, but still has some shine to it. In fact, when you are spraying it, you can see particles of glitter floating in the air. I get really distracted by glitter, so sometimes this isn’t good. For this incredible finish, however, I’ll persevere. 😉

How To Use Gold Spray Paint

There is a gadget you can buy that makes using spray paint on small furniture a lot easier.

Do you see that trigger in the photo above? It is the BEST thing EVER. I seriously will never spray paint again without this thing! It clips onto the top of the can and holds the spray nozzle down for you with the push of that red button.

I used to dread spray painting because my forearms and wrist would be so sore after, but no longer. This is the best $5 purchase you will ever make if you use spray paint, promise! Get it here. Now, onto the projects!

How To Spray Paint A Metal Stool

If you are wondering how to spray paint metal, then I’ll show you how I updated a few small things. The first project I updated is a metal stool.

I wanted a garden stool forever but didn’t really want to pay $100 for one. I have a list of things that I am always on the lookout for when checking out sales, thrift shops, and craigslist, and a garden stool was definitely on it. So, you can imagine my delight when I spotted this guy at World Market on clearance for $15. Yes, one five. Fifteen. What what!!

Problem was, it was red. Which I did not like at all…soooo, spray  paint time.

Here’s how to spray paint a metal stool with the best gold spray paint.

A red metal stool

1. Set Out A Plastic Sheet

Before you even begin, set out a plastic sheet or tarp. As hard as you try, this spray paint will still make a little bit of a mess. Unless you don’t mind spray painting your patio or driveway, prepare your workspace.

Cutting up a trash bag works just fine. You can also buy sheets of plastic at your local home improvement store.

A collage showing the 4 coats of gold spray paint on a red stool

2. Apply Multiple Coast of Paint

Now just spray the paint evenly on the entire stool. Depending on what color the stool (or object) you might have apply multiple coats.

The best thing about this spray paint is that you don’t have to wait for it to dry before applying the next coat.

Since my metal stool was a bright red, it took four coats of paint before it finally looked completely gold.

Check out the photo below for my final result.  How awesome does it look now?  It’s in a special place in our house already…can’t wait to show you all!

A gold metal stool

Spray Paint A Picture Frame

Here’s another fun thing I spray painted. This is a frame from Ikea, but sadly they don’t sell it anymore. It’s totally plastic, but with some gold paint….it looks…not as plastic-y?

A plastic white picture frame from IKEA

Below is the dramatic difference some gold paint makes on the white frame. I think it adds some fanciness. Don’t you?

Spray painted gold picture frames

How to Spray Paint a Desk Lamp

Finally…my favorite project…the lamp.

I admit it.  I have been slightly coveting these adorable gold desk lamps that have popped up everywhere like herehere, here and here.

With prices in the $100+ range, I knew this project would definitely be a DIY. The problem was looking for the right lamp with great shape and good function. Wellllll I found it!! Where I least expected it. In the clarence aisle at Hobby Lobby for $15. For real. Ridiculous. And gorgeous. And wonderful. I haven’t found the exact model online but this one is really close and a steal at $20! 

A black metal desk lamp

Does this lamp remind anyone of anything??? Maybe of this guy?!?!

Pixar Logo

Want to know how I transformed it into a gorgeous gold lamp? Here’s what I did!

1. Tape Off The Wire Components

Totes presh. For this project I wanted to make sure none of the electrical components were covered in paint, so I taped off the wire and the light bulb socket.

Blue painter's tape on the black desk lamp electrical components

I taped the entire electrical cord too. I didn’t want a single spray of gold paint on the cord at all. Don’t skip this part.

2. Evenly Spray The Lamp

For this part, the spray paint nozzle was a blessing. It helped me to spray more evenly. It also made less mess than just using the can alone.

3. Add Multiple Coats

Just like with the metal stool, it might take quite a few coats to really make the spray paint pop. Once you get the look, you are going to be so happy! I know I was.

Painter's tape on a lamp's cord

4. Display Your Finished Lamp

A few coats of paint later…and it was done. After I let it dry, I displayed it in my home office. I am in love!

Repainted gold lamp

I LOVE LAMP.  Seriously.  I love lamp. I’m not just going around the room naming things and saying I love them…I actually love this lamp. In fact…I love it so much that I asked my sweet husband to go get the two remaining lamps that I saw in the clearance aisle. Because he gets off work an hour earlier than me. And I couldn’t wait. But we got them and they will be saved for when we put our office/craft room/library together.

As to where this lamp and the frame are currently residing…I can’t say just yet.  Soon my lovelies, soon.  Sorry to be such a tease blogger today!

What do you all think? Which is your favorite?  Do you love lamp? Is there anything that gold spray paint can’t make amazing?

More Fun Painting Projects

I have this thing with easy DIY projects with paint – they are so fun! Here are some more things you can do with paint too.

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  1. I purchased this spray paint today after seeing your post on Pinterest. So far, I’ve spray painted my daughter’s curtain rods, dresser knobs, a wooden initial for a wreath and a few tabletop tchotchkes. My daughter asked me if I would make our TV gold and if I could make Daddy gold too so I figured I’d gone far enough for one day.

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