Grout, Grout, Let It All Out

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grout 8

We crossed yet another project off our kitchen to do list! Yay! So…confession. We installed backsplash tiles with the help of our brother-in-law and some friends about….11 months ago. Yikes. As soon as they were installed, I sealed them almost immediately, since they are marble and glass, and you have to seal natural stone to protect it.  And while we always had good intentions of grouting them and completing the project, something else more important always begged for our attention instead.  Like…installing floors and ripping apart/putting back together bathrooms, etc.  Well… no longer! Sweet Scott spent his Thanksgiving break crossing to-do projects off our list, one of them being- grout!

I knew I didn’t want white grout because it would be too much work to keep it clean (ain’t nobody got time for that!), and I didn’t want off-white because I was afraid it would just look like white that wasn’t clean, again ruining the point of me appearing to have it all together. 😛 So I used this amazing website to select which grout would look best with our tile, and we decided to use Natural Gray.  We went with premixed because again…ain’t nobody got time. 😛

Grout 1

Before grouting, Scott covered the concrete countertops and re-sealed the backsplash, just in case. 🙂 It was super easy- you spray on, wait five minutes, and wipe off.

Grout 2


Grouting is really easy. If you can frost a cake, you can grout tile! I talked about the grouting process more here!

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He finished half in one day, and when I came home I was really, really surprised to see how different our tile looked.  If you look in the picture below, the right side is grouted, the left isn’t.  The tile actually changed color and appeared much darker- probably because it is glass. To tell you all the truth, I was really sad about it at first. I loved the bright, beachy look the tile has on the left side, but it was too late to go back. I since have come to really like it, and think it adds a little more drama and contrast to the white cabinets. 🙂

Grout 3

Grout 4

So now our kitchen is fully grouted, and once again, we are so thrilled!! We have several projects left still- we need to frame in the dishwasher and do something with the empty corner in our kitchen. Originally we were going to do a banquet, but since we have bar seating now, we aren’t sure. Maybe a cafe table, and some bookshelves to host all our cookbooks and serveware? Who knows. We also have a 8×7 or so giant butlers pantry that is essentially just a holding ground for paint supplies right now…what a waste!! I am super excited to work on that room and add some form and function! Maybe this Christmas break, who knows?!

Appliance Upgrade_001

Do you all have any projects you are hoping to tackle over the holidays? Or are you determined to rest and enjoy? I hope to do a little of both! 🙂 EXCITED.

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  1. I feel like I’m always telling you how gorgeous your projects are – but I seriously read through with my mouth hanging open. Jon and I are the least handy people I know, and it’s probably a good thing we’re in an apartment (we call someone else if something goes wrong or needs fixing). with any luck, i’ll read read read your blog and when we get a home i’ll know at least a thing or 2 🙂

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