Crafternoon Delight

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Thank you all so much for the kind words yesterday on both the studio reveal and our home being featured on The Handmade Home! It’s been such a journey- thank you for cheering me on and joining me in it! 🙂

While I was waiting 18 months or so to have a space (or the energy/time!) to craft, I kept daydreaming about having a craft party at our house. I thought to myself- one day, we will have a kitchen AND a bathroom AND a craft room. And there won’t be nails and debris and 2x4s everywhere. Anyone with me? Confessions of a current remodeler? 🙂

Regardless….that time has come. So I gathered some of my closest and most craftiest friends for a fun Valentine’s Day themed crafternoon. Like any good craft party- we had to have some snacks. And I wanted them to be cute. 😛 I had big aspirations of handmaking a bunch of snacks and goodies, but life got busy and instead I picked all this stuff up from the grocery store. My only rule was everything had to be pink or red. Cause I am Old School Valentines-y like that.

Also- can I add major thanks/photo props to Scott who stayed home just to snap some photos for me? I’m actually IN some of these?!?! Whaaaat?

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My good friend Stephanie helped me plan our party, and she came over to help me get set up and prepped. We got a bunch of hearts and things pre-cut for others to use, and oohed and ahhed over both of our crafting tools. 😀

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Each girl brought over some crafting stuff with them. We had frames, tons of paper, cardstock, markers- you name it! 🙂 I was also super excited to use my hoarded stash of glitter and washi tape. 😀 I just had a great time with these ladies! There was so much laughter and joy. They make my heart happy…I treasured our time together so! 🙂

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So, dream fulfilled. I finally got to have a craft party with my friends after imagining it for 1 1/2 years. And you know what- it was much better then I ever dreamed of.

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