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Spring Cleaning Tips – my FREE E-course!

This 8- week long, free e-course is awesome!!! I just read lesson one and am so inspired! I'm tired of cleaning up every saturday, ready for a change!!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been bitten by the Spring Cleaning bug in a major way. I know a lot of people consider the New Year to be the season of big change and new beginnings, but in a way Spring seems more of a fresh start to me. I start searching for Spring Cleaning tips, get rid of a bunch of stuff, air out our house, and pack away my winter items (with much, much glee!).

Spring Cleaning can also feel a bit overwhelming, though. So as I was figuring out a system that worked for me, I decided to share it with you all—through an 8-week long e-course that is completely F R E E. Woo woo!

This 8- week long, free e-course is awesome!!! I just read lesson one and am so inspired! I'm tired of cleaning up every saturday, ready for a change!!

Here’s the really ironic thing though, you guys. I am NOT a naturally neat person or a natural minimalist at all. So people who have lived with me are probably giggling at the idea of me writing an 8 week class on how to clean (hi roomies/parents!). However, I am a reformed messaholic. I know there are people out there who write beautiful blogs filled with page after page of incredible organizing and cleaning tips and relish the thought of cleaning and organizing all day.

This 8- week long, free e-course is awesome!!! I just read lesson one and am so inspired! I'm tired of cleaning up every saturday, ready for a change!!

Can I be real? I don’t really like cleaning all that much.

But I like it more than I used to. And I really, really love how much better I feel when my space is tidy. “Organized” chaos used to be my thing, but I am fighting against it and slowly turning it around. So this is a class, written for those of you, like me, who don’t relish the idea of cleaning and just feel overwhelmed by mess. For those of you, like me, who are so, so, so tired of spending every single Saturday cleaning up, or stuffing things in closets and baskets and cabinets before friends come over. It’s okay. I’ve been there. 🙂  We’ve got this!

This 8- week long, free e-course is awesome!!! I just read lesson one and am so inspired! I'm tired of cleaning up every saturday, ready for a change!!

The class is 100% online and completely free when you subscribe to the weekly blog newsletter (which is awesome!). You’ll get your first lesson in your inbox immediately upon signing up. It runs for 8 weeks, but you can start at anytime, and while I encourage you to try to keep pace with the lessons, life happens and it might take you 16 weeks instead of 8. It’s okay.

My baby sister was one of the first people who signed up for my class. After reading lesson one, she said she felt so inspired that she stayed up all night and got her entire apartment in order. She sent me pictures and told me I could share. Go girl! Check it out!

Tal's closet before and after the free 8 week cleaning class from www.runtoradiance.com

So, who’s ready to get awesome Spring Cleaning tips that will set you up to get your house clean and keep it that way forever?

Click here and sign up—see you in lesson one with lots of Spring Cleaning tips and tricks! 🙂

This 8- week long, free e-course is awesome!!! I just read lesson one and am so inspired! I'm tired of cleaning up every saturday, ready for a change!!

Photo of Tania Griffis, owner of Run to Radiance
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Tania Griffis is an accomplished writer, blogger, and interior designer with a Journalism degree from the University of Oklahoma. She started her popular blog, Run to Radiance, in 2011, demonstrating her design expertise through the personal remodeling of six houses to millions of readers across the globe.

Tania also owns The Creative Wheelhouse, a respected ghostwriting agency for bloggers, further showcasing her talent for creating engaging and informative content.

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  1. My spring cleaning technique was breaking down and hiring a housekeeper every other week. I couldn’t take it anymore! Haha. I could definitely use some tips—with 3 little boys, our house is constantly destroyed! It’s so hard to keep up with the mess.

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