My Favorite Decorating Books

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Sometimes when you’re down in the decorating slumps, you just need some good inspiration. Yes, there’s Pinterest and social media and lots of fabulous blogs, but sometimes there’s nothing like unplugging and pulling out a good book. Being both a design blogger and a huge reader, I have amassed quite the collection of decorating books as you can imagine. There are some that I find myself pulling out to thumb through over and over again.

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Ready to hear why?

1) Young House Love. I miss their blog terribly, but I get my YHL fix through their brilliant book. It’s packed full of a ton of ideas that are totally easy and do-able.

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2) Domino: The Book of Decorating. Of course I had to include Domino’s book in my list. There’s a reason why their magazine has been so hugely popular (I’m SO happy it’s back!!!). This book is full of gorgeous rooms and designer quote and tips.

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3) The Nesting Place. I have been a huge fan of The Nester’s blog for awhile now, but even more so after picking up her book. It’s part decorating and part liberating—it totally frees you up to the idea of the subtitle “it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful”.
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4) Design Bloggers at Home. This book is filled with tons of inspiration from online design trendsetters—some new-to-me as well as some old favorites. There is SO much eye candy…and some great blogging tips!

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5)Decorate Workshop. This is a combination workbook and textbook on all things design. From how to gather inspiration to how to put together your perfect living space, this book is super helpful in narrowing down your style and giving you plenty of inspiration.

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What about you guys? Have any books that you would recommend? I’d love to hear them!

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  1. How cute are these! I could use a lot of these – haha I need all the tips I can get.

    PS was going to email you last night because I had been thinking I hadn’t seen any posts from you, so glad to know you are ok!

  2. These are great! I’ll definitely keep them in mind. Thanks for the recommendation. I tend to gravitate more toward magazines for inspiration when I need a change in décor. I forget that there are great books on the subject!

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