DIY Gold-Leaf Wishbones

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An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0001 copy

I remember when we would have family Thanksgiving and my sister and I would always fight over the turkey wishbone. I’m eight years older so you know how that goes- just shoved her out of the way and took it for myself. LOL just kidding. OK, maybe only one year. 🙂

My sister is now a vegan and I am grown-up (or something) so I thought it would be fun to try re-creating that tradition with something else that is 100% animal cruelty free…clay!

I picked up a pound of this white air-dry clay, and Scott and I started rolling out some of the wishbone shapes. I just used the picture I saw online of a real wishbone and tried my best to mold the clay to look like it. No two are exactly alike but that was OK 🙂

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0002

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0003

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0006

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0004

We ended up making about 20 of these, accounting for extras in case any broke (which they totally did- more on that later!). These are definitely fragile pieces that can break easily so handle with care. The thicker you make them the more sturdy they will be.

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0010

My original idea was to use these as place card holders for our Friendsgiving party. So I decided to add a spot to put the name. I used a couple of my business cards to make a small intention towards the back of the wishbone. Do not push it all the way through or you’ll end up slicing it in half of course. 🙂

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0007

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0008

We gave them overnight to dry and then used my favorite gold leaf paint to give them a shining appearance. You guys didn’t think I would be content leaving them unpainted did you? 🙂

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0013 An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0014 An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0015 An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0016

Tada! Aren’t these great? They would’ve been perfect for the table had I not had a rambunctious dog somehow get a ball inside the house and throw himself over the stool that all the finished ones were on, breaking all but three. 🙁

So much for an animal cruelty-free wishbone right? Just kidding. No dogs were harmed during this process even if they slightly deserved it. 😉

An easy to make DIY gold-leaf wishbone. Never fight over who gets to break it again!_0012

Did y’all have any wishbone traditions growing up? If you did I bet they weren’t gold plated. 😉

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  1. Loved this idea and it brought back Thanksgivings long ago when I fought with my 3 siblings over the wishbone. We usually have 12-18 family members together for Thanksgiving and each year we go around the table before our Thanksgiving prayer holding hands and sharing what we are thankful for. It’s always an insightful prayer as we share our struggles and successes. I really enjoy hearing my niece and nephews thoughts, now in their mid-20s and living on their own own for the first time as well as the family matriarch. Your posting brought a smile to my face as I had to put my dog to sleep last year after 15 mischievous years. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Tania, I’ve got a ton of craft supplies left over from a volunteer gig. Do you want them or know of a good charity to donate them to?

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