Makeup & Jewelry Storage

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Happy Monday! Did you all have a good weekend? I sure did! I turned 30 yesterday and we celebrated all weekend long! My parents threw me an amazing dinner party on Saturday and we had some friends over to our house for champagne and board games afterwards. I felt so loved and cared for! Since we were having people over, I got a itch to do a little rearranging. 😛

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One of the areas I kept meaning to tackle, but hadn’t gotten a chance was our master bedroom. For months I’ve been wanting to create a system to better organize my jewelry and makeup, and relocate everything from the bathroom and random drawers in our bedroom to one central place. Well….success! 🙂

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I got this card catalogue at Target last year—they no longer carry it sadly. But its original purpose was for media storage. Since I don’t have a ton of CDs lying around, I thought it was the perfect candidate to hold jewelry and nail polish. I topped it with with two ceramic egg crates that I found at World Market.

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As you can see I also added a shelf with hooks that I picked up at Home Goods. I keep some of my favorite jewelry pieces hanging there, and some clutches up on the shelf.

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I have jewelry separated by color/type. So necklaces together, earrings, bracelets, etc. The entire bottom row is nail polish. It’s been a recent addiction of mine. My favorite brand is Formula X nail polish, followed closely by Ciate. I love all the fun colors and textures!

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Do you all remember the desk I found on the side of the road and brought in for my vanity? I thought it would be the perfect place to sit and do my makeup in the mornings.

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I am also super obsessed with Josie Maran Argan Oil. Love, love, love. I use it morning and night on my skin, and as needed on my nails and the ends of my hair. Of course, I love my essential oils and keep my favorites handy right by the bed.

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I picked up this clear container at Home Goods. It’s the perfect thing to use for makeup. I can see all my favorites, rather than them be stuck in a drawer!

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So now I have a nice little corner to sit and make myself pretty. 🙂 Gotta take care of my 30-year old skin, right?!?! 😀

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  1. Wonderful post as always! you are so creative in your home decor 🙂
    I especially like the pops of color: the chair, the cabinet, the clutch.
    Happy Monday!

  2. Happy belated birthday!! Glad it was such a good one! As always, the decor is perfect. You are so talented! Also, I just ordered some essential oils over the weekend, and I’m SO excited for them to get here!

  3. I’m really late, but happy birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I adore that card catalog, it is such a great idea for jewelry storage!

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