Cleaning the Garage

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I’ve got a confession to make. A few weeks ago, for the first time in five years (and two houses) I parked in my garage for the first time. Yup! That’s true. We’ve had two houses, both with two-car garages and we have never parked inside either. Why? A picture speaks a thousand words…and I might lose my blogger status for this but—here we go.

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We had SO. MUCH. STUFF. With all the remodeling and having only 60% of our house or so inhabitable at any given time during the remodeling process we gave in to the very naughty, guilty pleasure of having an entire garage full of “we don’t know where else to put it”. Ladders, tools, particle board, parts of cabinets, spray paint, lumber, old furniture…if it didn’t have a spot in our house, it went in the garage.

And guess what? We could never find anything. Or get to the wood we needed. Or walk through there.

Scott and I had been talking for months and months about how we were going to clean out our garage. How we needed to clean out our garage.

So, for Christmas, I came up with a grand plan for a great gift for Scott. I ordered all this garage organizing stuff and wrapped it all up and wrote a sweet note about how I was going to spend hours and hours working with him to get our garage cleaned. He opened each gift—one after another oohing and ahhing and smiling—and then asked me if I’d like to see a “little gift” he had out for me in the garage.

Guess what it was?

A bike! Annnnnddddd….also he cleaned out the entire garage. He spent days and days hauling trash and sorting tools and sorting piles of lumber. I was shocked. It looked like a whole new space!

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Not only did he clean the garage but he was sweet enough even to take pictures for me (and all you guys!) to see. Check it out! Progressively from terrifying to not. 😉

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So now that we have the space cleaned up we can let the real fun of organizing and sorting begin! I’m not exactly sure when that will be…we have so many indoor projects to do first and hanging out in the garage cleaning all day seems more like a spring project to me—unless you are my amazing husband that is. 🙂

Best Christmas gift ever!

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  1. I took on the task of cleaning up our garage this winter as well. It took a while, but I lined all the walls of the garage with wired shelving and now there is not a single piece of clutter on the ground!

  2. I am definitely inspired to throw everything away! Someone pointed out to me one time that wealthy people’s homes are often simply decorated. No knick-knacks on things. Your article is very helpful!

    Best regards! Nags Head Carpet Cleaners Ltd.

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