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Framed Baby Photo With Footprints

These adorable Mother's Day gift idea is quick and easy to make, and any mom or grandma will cherish it!


  • 1 Photo frame that displays 3 4×6 images
  • Construction paper white
  • Photo of your baby
  • Washable craft paint color of your choice
  • Foam paintbrush


  • Wash and dry your baby's feet to make sure they are clean.
  • Use the foam brush and paint to paint the bottom of your baby's foot (just one for now).
  • Make the prints on paper by pressing your baby's foot down firmly in the middle of the paper.
    Repeat the process for the other foot and for as many copies as you want.
  • Clean your baby's feet and remove the paint.
  • Cut out the footprints on 4x6 pieces of paper so they fit into the frame.
  • Add a picture of your baby in the middle portion.


*DISCLAIMER: Even if the paint is non-toxic and kid-friendly, do NOT let your baby eat it, and as soon as you are done, wash your baby's feet.