How to Paint Concrete—a Patio Makeover (Page 2)

Psst…here’s part one if you missed it!

Then it was painting time. We used exterior painter’s tape to mark off the edges. I knew I wanted a striped pattern, but didn’t want to have to bust out the measuring tape to mark out the lines. No problem! We ended up using a piece of baseboard to mark out the lines. Brilliant right? 🙂 You could also use a long straight-edge ruler like this one. Once we had the entire pattern taped, it was time to start painting!

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Painting was a cinch with the small roller we had picked up, and using concrete paint was no different than any other paint I’ve used before. I simply rolled it on—easy! I decided to paint wearing socks so I could keep the concrete nice and clean. I’m partial to not wearing shoes. 🙂
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I did one coat, then the next morning came back and did a second.

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The dry time was listed at 4 hours, but I waited until that evening to come back and very carefully peel all the tape off. Voila! We had stripes!

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